-About our factory-

The Siglo de Oro cigar factory was opened in Moscow in 2011, by now the factory has earned wide popularity and the factory’s cigars are recognized and loved by smokers, now they compete with imported cigars and occupy a significant share in the Russian cigar market.

Today we produce cigars of several brands. They are Eugene Onegin, Siglo de Oro, Yoruba, Pelo de Oro, Hidalgo. As part of Russian Cigar Union project called «Great Names — Great Cigars» we manufactured a vast number of signature cigars for prominent people in Russia.

Cigars “Champions” were produced for the winners of the Continental Hockey League championship, as well as cigars for hockey clubs – Magnitogorsk Metallurg and Chelyabinsk Tractor. Privat Label cigars are produced for different companies.

Eugene Onegin Legend 3 cigars

The factory was opened in Moscow for a reason. An example from the field of winemaking is best suited here: one way or another, when we talk about tobacco and cigars, analogies with grapes and wine constantly pop up. Everyone knows that wine is best drunk in the country in which it is produced, and it’s not only because wine does not like to “travel”, there are many more factors from practical to metaphysical. The same story with cigars. Cuban cigars are incomparable in Cuba, Dominican cigars are excellent in the Dominican Republic, manilas in the Philippines, Tuscany in Italy and caliquenos in Spain.

And here, too, it is not only about the fact that cigars endure travelling very badly. Each of these cigars is tested and tasted locally, and it will be smoked differently in different climates. Our cigars are rolled in Russia, tested and smoked in the conditions in which a Russian cigar lover has to smoke. In addition, we have studied the tastes of Russian aficionados well.


-About the quality of our cigars-

Our absolute advantage is unprecedented quality control. Cigars are thoroughly tested in terms of weight, draw, shape, the recipe is strictly adhered to, any cigar can be rejected even according to such an ephemeral principle: “there is something not good about it”. In addition, even if you happen to come across a cigar of inadequate quality, we will replace it wherever you purchase it.

At all stages of creating a cigar, the necessary conditions are maintained – humidity and temperature. Not only in warehouses and in humidor rooms, but also in galera rooms and even at the stage of packing cigars, putting labels and excise stamps. Therefore, our cigars are constantly in ideal conditions and come to you in their real, living form. No other cigar manufacturer can guarantee you this.

Сигары Pelo de Oro — Lagarto Rojo

-About our plans-

The plans for the Siglo de Oro factory are spectacular. We will introduce new brands, including privileged ones, stunningly expensive, capable of satisfying the most refined taste and the highest requirements. Limited editions will be created, including especially small series, which can be tried only at Eugene Onegin’s birthday, which is celebrated annually in February. Unique cigar formats are being created now and will be produced in the future, including those that have never been produced yet. The production of signature cigars dedicated to famous personalities will continue. Private Label will continue to be produced. Any person or company can order a cigar from us for an anniversary, corporate party or any memorable date, be it a wedding, birthday or other celebration.

In general, we will not let you get bored. We guarantee that even the most sophisticated aficionado will be able to appreciate the diversity of our production, the richness of taste and aromas of our cigars!